Implement Blackberry Unified Endpoint Manager (UEM) Part 5 – Troubleshooting

This is the second to last part of this series. I hope you enjoy my previous posts and successfully implement Blackberry UEM in your environment. If you haven’t, do check out my posts below which can save you from burning the midnight oil.

In this post, I will share some of the issues I came across and what troubleshooting steps I took to resolve them.

  1. Unable to search user by the first name within UEM console
  2. Members are not synced up in the linked group
  3. Blackberry Control and Proxy Services have Disabled for Startup Type after install
  4. Licensing infrastructure – Unable to connect
  5. Unable to access Blackberry UEM console even though all services have started

Issue Number 1Unable to search user by the first name within UEM console

As of the writing of this post, this issue remains unresolved.

Below is found in the log when searching by first name (i.e. Thomas):

2018-02-28T12:14:28.454-0500 qtp1522095831-91879 – /admin/client/rx DEBUG com.blackberry.platform.ui.server.runtime.FuserSession$ FuserSession#db2786d(s-tcheng) Starting subsearch 852c0837-7365-4572-a7b1-67a4b619051e off of InitialSearch 51f0935f-7327-4923-8138-712c2475b774: Subsearch(from com.blackberry.platform.common.api.entity.Device where (<ComplexCriteria>%%%and%%%(<ComplexCriteria>%%%and%%%(<ComplexCriteria>%%%or%%%(com.blackberry.platform.common.api.entity.Device/userAccount:
displayName begins with ‘thomas’)%%%(com.blackberry.platform.common.api.entity.Device/userAccount:

emailAddress begins with ‘thomas’)%%%(com.blackberry.platform.common.api.entity.Device/userAccount:

username begins with ‘thomas’)%%%(com.blackberry.platform.common.api.entity.Device/userAccount:

lastName begins with ‘thomas’)%%%(com.blackberry.platform.common.api.entity.Device/model:

modelName begins with ‘thomas’)%%%)%%%)%%%)

When you compare the current setting in Active Directory, you will see that this will not work as we have display name in Last Name, First Name format. And we don’t have the first name in either the username or email address either.


Issue Number 2Members are not synced up in the linked group

In this case, it was caused by duplicate email address present in multiple accounts that are being imported. Removing the duplicate email address or replacing it with a different one solves this issue. Here are the steps I took to troubleshoot this issue:

  • Change logging within UEM console from info to debug
  • Re-produce the issue
  • Review hostname_CORE_date.txt

Core logs 2018-01-02T17:01:38.165-0500 – CORE {dirSyncProcessor-thread-1 : directoryGroupSyncProcessorQueueConsumer}|core [{}] – WARN Email already exists in the system for user with username testuser

As an alternative, run the SQL command below against the UEM database to help identify which account(s) might have the same email address configured.

SELECT username,created,display_name,email_address,userDN,userPN,user_domain
FROM obj_user AS u (NOLOCK)
WHERE email_address = ‘‘;

Issue Number 3Blackberry Control and Proxy Services have Disabled for Startup Type after install

If the Blackberry server hosting either or both of these services cannot communicate with Blackberry NOC properly after the install, they will not start by default. We confirmed that our firewall rule(s) was blocking such communication.

Issue Number 4: Licensing infrastructure – Unable to connect


While working with Blackberry technical support, we attempted to restart the Blackberry UEM – UEM Core service. However, it kept failing and generated the error below.


Upon further investigation, we discovered that the JRE was recently updated to a version that was not compatible with the version of UEM installed. You can review the Compatibility Matrix here.


The steps to resolve are:

  1. Uninstall JRE from the host
  2. Re-install Blackberry UEM (which includes the JRE within the installer)
  3. Restart host

To prevent this from happening in the future, make sure to disable auto-update within JRE.


Issue Number 5: Unable to access Blackberry UEM console even though all services have started

Actually, no action is needed to address this issue. You just need to bring up task manager and check memory consumption for the Blackberry UEM – UEM Core service. It needs to be at least 1 GB and above before the UEM console is accessible.


I hope you enjoy this series of posts. As always, stay mobile!


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